
Life Should Not Be a Mountain

Last day of May.

Tomorrow we enter the 11th week of lockdown and some of us are slowly going back to work. Got your clean clothes ready, haircut is not an option right now but what the heck it’s summer you will make it work but is the mind ready? Did you miss your colleagues or did you find out that you can work better alone from home? Are you thinking about joining others in a confined space, worrying who is washing their hands, sanitising phones, keyboards and your desk?

Wait! Take a deep breath.
We live our lives trying to learn to socialise with others, different creatures with so many variables such as religion, culture, voices and we try to live harmonically together, coexist, grow as humans and suddenly someone tells you ‘STOP! You can not do that anymore. Seeing others might kill you’’.

And if you are lucky enough to have a partner to quarantine together then great. But what about the single souls? What about all those people that have nobody? Quarantine was a very harsh test for everyone. Doubles or singles. Coexisting 24/7 with somebody can be as challenging as being alone 24/7. Each category has its own issues. There is no better or worse. Each person is unique and deals with situations differently. 
Looking after our mental health in this difficult time is equally important as any other day. Maybe even more so. If you feel the world is collapsing and you can not breathe and you are suffocating and you have no-one to talk to and you feel like you are losing your mind and anxieties are pilling up and the monsters are waking up, do not wait to long to ask for help. You have the option not to go through this on your own. Seek help and do it quickly. 
Life should not be a mountain you need to climb everyday.

Cynthia T.
Member of Hamam Square’s Dream Team

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